Oct. Board Meeting Minutes
>> Saturday, October 18, 2008
In the October board meeting, the following items were agreed upon:
- Begin a men's breakfast at the McKinney Depot on the 2nd Saturday of the month. These will begin at 8:30 and if there is a speaker, the church will pay for the speaker’s meal. The first breakfast will be on November 8th.
- Agreed to sponsor Greg and Vicki Syverson as new mission workers. They are missionaries to Pachuca, Mexico, and are in Lexington at this time. An attempt will be made to have them speak to the church before returning to the mission field. (Spoke to M.C.C. on October 19th)
- There will be an Appreciation Sunday meal after the morning service, November 16th. A love offering for Mike Gillespie’s church in Munster, Indiana, will be taken the on November 16th. This church was flooded by Hurricane Ike as it traveled northward through the continental U.S.
- The church will contract with Olan Mills to make a church directory with a spiral binding, names printed under individual pictures and in the back of the book. All participating families get a free 8x10 and a church directory, along with an opportunity to purchase family portraits. Brochures, scheduling, prices for additional portraits, etc. will be made known to everyone.
- Agreed to attempt to set up a church blog on the internet so that programs, announcements, prayer concerns, etc. could be current.
- Paid for the cost of making 50 CD’s of the final concert night of the revival. These will be presented to families in the church who want them. ($150)
- Agreed to buy and install gutter guards for needed areas of the church and parsonage.
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