January Angel Food

>> Saturday, December 20, 2008

The January Angel Food menu has been released. See below:

-1.5 lb. ribeye steak - 1 lb. peas
-4 lb. leg quarters - 6 ct. oatmeal variety box
-1.5 lb. beef patties - 32 oz. 2% shelf stable milk
-18 oz. cheese filled manicotti - 8 oz. blueberry muffin mix
-2 lb. pork rib strips - 12 ct. white corn tortillas
-1 lb. chicken fajita strips - 1 lb. pinto beans
-1 lb. ground turkey - 7 oz. chicken flavored rice & vermicilli
-1 lb. broccoli - dozen eggs

The regular box costs $20. Please see Jim Kelley with any questions and to submit your order.


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